sábado, junho 13, 2015

Inovação sem estratégia, cuidado

Em "E a sua empresa, vende tudo da mesma maneira?" escrevi:
"Em tempos trabalhei com uma entidade que fazia projectos de investigação com PME. Muita dessa investigação era convertida em produtos inovadores que tinham ... pouco sucesso.
Muitos dos produtos inovadores não tinham sucesso, acreditava e acredito ainda hoje, porque as PME os tentavam vender da mesma forma que sempre venderam os seus produtos, usando os mesmos comerciais, com os mesmos argumentos e através dos mesmos canais."
E em "Once again, I rest my case (parte II)" dei um exemplo de como trabalhar uma estratégia baseada na inovação a nível de ecossistema da procura:
Isto a propósito de "You Need an Innovation Strategy":
"The ProblemInnovation remains a frustrating pursuit. Failure rates are high, and even successful companies can’t sustain their performance. The root cause is that companies fall into the trap of adopting whatever best practices are in vogue or aping the exemplar innovator of the moment.
The SolutionManagers should articulate an innovation strategy that stipulates how their firm’s innovation efforts will support the overall business strategy. This will help them make trade-off decisions so that they can choose the most appropriate practices and set overarching innovation priorities that align all functions.
The StepsCreating an innovation strategy involves determining how innovation will create value for potential customers, how the company will capture that value, and which types of innovation to pursue. Just as product designs must evolve to stay competitive, so must innovation strategies as the environment changes.
I have found that firms rarely articulate strategies to align their innovation efforts with their business strategies.
An explicit innovation strategy helps you design a system to match your specific competitive needs.
Finally, without an innovation strategy, different parts of an organization can easily wind up pursuing conflicting priorities—even if there’s a clear business strategy."

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