terça-feira, maio 26, 2015

Trabalhar para os underserved, o melhor conselho

Julgo que foi nas férias da Páscoa de 1983 que fiz o meu baptismo de Douro Internacional. Fui de comboio, com o Zé Alberto, até ao Pocinho. Depois, apanhamos uma camioneta até Mogadouro, para então, apanharmos uma outra camioneta até Lagoaça.
Choveu no dia em que chegamos. Montámos as tendas e, nessa primeira noite, com um saco-cama que até aí tinha usado no campismo de praia, rapei um frio medonho, quase não dormi.
Assim que o sol nasceu saí da tenda, o que me valeu observar um gigantesco grifo pousado a poucos metros:
Tomei a decisão de trabalhar no Verão seguinte, para comprar um saco-cama à prova de Inverno nuclear (foi numa loja que já fechou, na Rua de Cedofeita).
Por que recordo isto?
Por causa deste trecho:
"What advice would you give other entrepreneurs on how to build a great business?
One: Focus on value, not price. At The North Face we wanted to make the best and we assumed there was a market for it. If you’ve ever spent the night in a sleeping bag at 20 below zero and you couldn’t sleep because it was too cold, you would pay $200 more for one that works. We knew that the people who really needed a sleeping bag to work at 20 below would buy ours and they would influence other people. Markets are wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. You need to know who the influencers are in your business. In outdoor gear, it was the mountaineers.
Two: Focus on consumer needs. People buy what they need, not what you sell. Three: You should have a higher calling, a triple bottom line. Build your team around things that transcend making money."
Trecho retirado de "Kenneth “Hap” Klopp: “Focus on Value, Not Price”"

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