quinta-feira, maio 07, 2015

Todos os tipos de negócios interessam!

Ao longo dos anos, aqui no blogue, temos defendido o empreendedorismo, o genuíno empreendedorismo, todo o tipo de empreendedorismo, contra os seus detractores:
Também muitas vezes se comenta no Twitter, qual o papel das associações patronais e quem é que defendem. Já que o universo de empresas é tão heterogéneo, quem defendem os seus líderes associativos?
Por que razão os líderes associativas patronais estão sempre disponíveis para dar o OK a um aumento do salário mínimo? Quem é mais prejudicado com o aumento do salário mínimo, as empresas grandes ou as empresas pequenas?
Por isso, recomendo a leitura de "The 4 Types of Small Businesses, and Why Each One Matters" para reflexão:
"Sure, the local dry cleaner isn’t going to employ radically more people next year than it did this year. But these Main Street businesses employ a lot of Americans –as many as 57 million– and the policies they need are not the same as the ones required by startups. If policymakers really want to help small businesses — and they should - they need to understand that not all of them are alike. Each type has a way it contributes to employment and the vibrancy of the American economy.
There are 28 million “small businesses” in America, defined as firms with fewer than 500 employees, and they fall into four different segments:
Most of these small businesses don’t actually have employees. Almost 23 million are sole proprietorships, covering a wide range of sectors, from consultants and IT specialists to painters and roofers.
The next-largest segment of small businesses is comprised of what I call Main Street entrepreneurs. These are the dry cleaners, restaurants, car repair operations, and local retailers that are part of the fabric of our daily lives. There are about 4 million of them, and they employ a significant portion of the workforce. Many of these businesses exist largely to support a family and are not principally focused on expansion. While these businesses have high churn rates—opening and closing frequently– they are critical to America’s middle class.
An important but less well-documented type is comprised of an estimated 1 million small businesses that are part of commercial and government supply chains (referred to as suppliers). These businesses are often focused on growth, domestically or through exports, and operate with a higher level of management sophistication than Main Street firms.
Of the remaining small businesses, about 200,000 qualify as high growth startups and firms. These are the companies that punch above their weight when it comes to job creation. A study by economist Zoltan Acs in 2008 found that only about three percent of all businesses can be classified as high growth businesses or “gazelles,” but that they are responsible for 20 percent of gross job creation.
Each type of small business matters for different reasons. The key is to remember that what helps one group will not necessarily have the equal or any impact for another. Praise for small businesses is warranted because of the role they play in driving an innovative and competitive economy and promoting social mobility, but when it comes to helping them succeed it’s essential to avoid treating them all the same way."

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