sexta-feira, maio 15, 2015

Os modelos de negócio, como os iogurtes, têm prazo de validade

Em "What Value Does the Pharmaceutical Industry Bring to Health Care?", de David Laws e publicado por Journal of Creating Value 1(1) 79–90, há motivo suficiente para reflexão sobre a resistência de incumbentes, muito fortes e com tradição, a uma alteração da percepção sobre o que é o negócio da saúde.
Reparem nesta comparação assombrosa:
"Indeed in 2002 the top 10 pharma companies generated more profit than the other 490 Fortune 500 companies put together! And the ‘value’ that it brought to the table was ‘the pill’."
Onde é que a indústria farmacêutica investia mesmo?
 "The industry has always promoted itself as a product innovator, yet when we look at how much is spent on R&D we find that approximately 13 per cent of sales is allocated against about 24 per cent allocated to promotion. So, it is clear that the industry is a very successful sales and marketing machine more than it is an R&D engine."
Qual era, e ainda é, o foco do modelo de negócio da indústria farmacêutica?
"Typically doctors—the only folks who could write a prescription for the product were acknowledged as the key customer type for pharma. Even though they neither pay for the product nor use it themselves, but they are seen as ‘the learned intermediary’ that would direct patients to take this drug."
Não admira que sendo esse o foco, tendo em conta a pressão dos governos para consultas taxímetro, e a crescente infantilização da sociedade, a par do envelhecimento da população, se acabe nisto "Doctors urged to stop 'over-treating'"
Qual terá de ser a futura prioridade da indústria farmacêutica?
"Pharma has always been confident that the inherent value of the pill is enough, but as we have seen, health care is changing and stakeholders are demanding more.
Refocus its business around ‘patients’ to ‘improve patient outcomes’. This would require restructuring the commercial side of the business away from its current focus on products and would require a better understanding of patients.
Look to extend patient focus to include broader health care consumers - those people that want to remain healthy, caregivers, etc., not just folks that have a diagnosed medical condition that is being treated.
Partner with health care systems to work directly with patients to achieve their health goals.
Other industries have faced their own perfect storm over the recent past and have adapted their business practices to better align with the changing environment and have recognized that power is now held by customers like never before. The Internet, social media, increasing customer expectations, the commoditization of products and services and the highly competitive market situation have collectively driven a shift in business model design.
Pharma seems late to this party, there are plenty of case studies available in other industries, unfortunately, what we hear all too frequently is ‘pharma (indeed healthcare) is different’, but the reality is that customers do not see it that way."
O mundo está a mudar para todos, até para os instalados incumbentes da indústria farmacêutica:
"Pharma is facing the very prospect that it will no longer be the primary determinator of value, based on closely held scientific and medical metrics, instead other, ‘less qualified’ stakeholders will determine those parameters, eventually perhaps even patients themselves."

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