Os que mais se queixam da falta de inovação em Portugal são, também, os que mais defendem a necessidade de campeões nacionais e outras redomas protectoras, tão típicas de sociedades extractivas à la Acemoglu.
Queixam-se de que Portugal precisa de mais inovação e, no entanto, a isto:
"Finally, in the context of rigid labor markets and limited domestic competition, the authorities must implement additional structural reforms to absorb the large labor slack and spur economic growth.Fazem isto:
In particular, countries with (i) more flexible labor markets; (ii) more developed manufacturing industries, relative to services sectors; (iii) more intense local competitions; and (iv) higher integration with the global value-chain, tend to export more domestic value-added."
"firms in some sectors will be neck-and-neck. In turn in such sectors, increased product market competition, by making life more difficult for neck-and-neck firms, will encourage them to innovate in order to acquire a lead over their rival in the sector. This we refer to as the escape competition effect. On the other hand, in unleveled sectors where firms are not neck-and-neck, increased product market competition will tend to discourage innovation by laggard firms as it decreases the short-run extra profit from catching up with the leader. This we call the Schumpeterian effect. Finally, the steady-state fraction of neck-and-neck sectors will itself depend upon the innovation intensities in neck-and-neck versus unleveled sectors. This we refer to as the composition effect.Trechos iniciais e gráfico retirados do relatório do FMI de Maio de 2015 sobre Portugal.
Prediction 1: The relationship between competition and innovation follows an inverted-U pattern.
Prediction 2: More intense competition enhances innovation in "frontier" firms but may discourage it in "non-frontier" firms."
Segundo grupo de trechos retirados de "Lessons from Schumpeterian Growth Theory" de Philippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit e Peter Howitt, publicado por Papers and Proceedings de maio de 2015.
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