domingo, abril 26, 2015

"Customers Don't Care About Your Costs"

"Customers Don't Care About Your Costs
though other nail polish products sold for 10 cents during the Great Depression, Revson's products were 50 cents. His lipstick sold for one dollar, compared with the 49 cent price of competitors'. Baker writes: "Revson didn't compete on price, since he understood Revlon was selling the chance of turning the right head or [lending] a touch of class."
Had Revson priced his products strictly on a cost-plus-reasonable-margin basis, he would have priced his products in the neighborhood of his competitors'. Instead, he realized that he could charge double or more and still get his customers to perceive that they were getting a great value.
After all: What price can you put on romantic hope?"
Não é fácil fazer esta mudança de paradigma, fazer este corte epistemológico.

Trechos retirados de "The Role of Cost in Amazon's Potential Price Increase"

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