"In a seminal paper, Nelson (1991) [Moi ici: Impressionante como em 1991, praticamente ontem, isto ainda era assunto para um artigo científico e, ainda por cima, seminal!!! Não admira que tanta gente ainda trate um sector económico como uma realidade homogénea] argued in favor of recognizing differences among companies belonging to the same line of business and against following the common assumption that all firms would behave similarly given a set of environmental circumstances.
Previous studies generally have found that the business unit explains roughly 32 to 44 percent of the variance in performance, the corporation explains two to 18 percent, and the industry explains four to 19 percent"
Trecho retirado de "Extending the Firm vs. Industry Debate:
Does Industry Life Cycle Stage Matter?" de Ekaterina V. Karniouchina, Stephen J. Carson, Jeremy C. Short, e David J. Ketchen Jr. Publicado por Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 1010–1018 (2013)
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