terça-feira, fevereiro 24, 2015

A importância da segmentação

Um pouco por todo o lado este aviso para a necessidade de identificar os clientes-alvo, de estabelecer com quem trabalhar e com quem não trabalhar.
"segmentation, like marketing itself, is all about the profitable satisfaction of customers’ needs.
This means we have to be clever in targeting our offers at people who really do want them, need them and are willing to pay for them. Equally, we have to be strong in setting aside those who do not. We have to choose our target audience on the basis of our capabilities and strengths. In other words we have to choose our own battlefield where we are confident that we are more attractive than our competitors. This early observation is fundamental, as it requires us to think as hard about where we don’t want to sell our product as where we do.
Segmentation is the first crucial step in marketing, and the key towards satisfying needs profitably. It is often the mix of where-what-who and why (the benefit or need) which is driving the segmentation. The grouping together of customers with common needs makes it possible to select target customers of interest and set marketing objectives for each of those segments. Once the objectives have been set, strategies can be developed to meet the objectives using the tactical weapons of product, price, promotion and place (route to market)."
Trechos retirados de "Market Segmentation in B2B Markets"

2 comentários:

JCS disse...

Basic Marketing... :)

JCS disse...

Basic Marketing... :)