quinta-feira, janeiro 08, 2015

Não se pode ser tudo para todos

"If there’s one phrase I would eliminate from corporate strategy sessions, it’s “one-stop shopping.” [Moi ici: I've been there!!! É uma desculpa recorrente para não cortar, para não fazer escolhas difíceis] This phrase is diabolical, for it can make otherwise sensible executives salivate with infantile glee. Their eyes glaze as they visualize hordes of customers spending gobs of money and never leaving for another competitor because the company magically provides them with an all-inclusive, integrated, A-to-Z menu of products and services that they absolutely must have, forever.
Apart from those darn customers who insist on making their own decisions, there’s another reason why “one-stop-shopping” is a fantasy. No matter what your consultants and investment bankers tell you, you can’t be great in everything, you can’t do it all, and if you try to do it all you’ll wind up with a big diversified menu of undistinguished “metoo” products and services. Further, the wider the net you try to cast, the more cumbersome, costly, and complicated your organization will be, and the more your company’s resources, management attention, creative capacity, and customer care will be spread thin.
Forget trying to be all things to all people. Resist the temptation to acquire and diversify for the purpose of being in as many segments and sectors of the marketplace as you can. These are losers’ strategies because companies that declare they intend to dominate everything wind up dominating nothing."

Trechos retirados de "Break From the Pack" de Oren Harari

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