segunda-feira, janeiro 12, 2015

Acerca do caminho mais difícil

"Be a Laser, Not a Floorlamp
Make sure your growth strategy is laser-like: simply stated, easy to convey, highly concentrated, and precisely focused on the arenas you’ll dominate.
Being a laser also means avoiding the temptation to seek the big broad spotlight. By that, I mean you must avoid the urge to get greedy and pursue revenues that are not aligned with your precise mission, even if the opportunity appears alluring.
You’ll face numerous seductive appeals to broaden the laser to a nice, warm, diffuse and expedient floorlamp that covers more and more unrelated ground. Don’t do it. Laserlike dominance requires the discipline to just say no to floorlamp strategies."

Trechos retirados de "Break From the Pack" de Oren Harari.

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