sexta-feira, dezembro 12, 2014

A importância de uma identidade

"The question about a company’s way to create value for customers is probably one of the most fundamental elements of strategy. Which makes it all the more surprising that few organizations are able to answer it with certainty and clarity.
We know, however, that companies with a strong identity — the kind that is backed up by the ability to deliver their promise — tend to win. In a recent survey of 720 executives, companies that were seen as having a stronger identity outperformed others by 25% (in terms of average annual TSR between 2010 and 2013).
Here’s what we mean when we talk about a company’s identity. It is what drives your entire organization to perform, what makes hiring top talent easier, and what gives you the framework by which to operate the company.
So why is it that so many companies struggle to develop strong identities and the capabilities that enable them? Because most organizations, instead of answering the fundamental questions about how they create value for customers and deriving their strategic imperatives from there, try to keep up with the market by pursuing a multitude of generally disconnected growth avenues and organizational changes. The problem is one of incoherence"

Trechos retirados de "The 3 Elements of a Strong Corporate Identity"

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