sábado, novembro 01, 2014

Também é preciso ganhar dinheiro

Mais uma vez o aviso, conhece os seus clientes? Sabe se aquele cliente que lhe encomenda milhares de unidades todos os meses é realmente um bom cliente?
"Businesses are always on the hunt for customer feedback.
People got so caught up in trying to improve quality they sometimes forgot that a business has to make money, too. [Moi ici: Tão comum!!!]
Let’s have employees monitor customer feedback and make improvements in response to it while also watching key financial indicators and taking actions to move them in the right direction. Every executive knows — or should know — that good business decisions require both kinds of input. If companies are going to ask front-line employees to make more decisions themselves, the front-liners will need to know how to keep customers happy and what it costs to do so.
Front-line employees don’t need to become statisticians. The folks in finance can perform the analyses that show them which tradeoffs are worth making and why. But now the front-liners will be thinking like businesspeople, understanding from the data when they can afford to give the customer an extra benefit and when they can’t. Their decisions will be that much better, and the company won’t go broke trying to satisfy every customer’s wish, at any cost."
Recentemente "encomendei" dois serviços sobre este tema, a um financeiro para fazer as contas e a um informático para automatizar as contas.
Como não recordar Jonathan Byrnes e "Islands of Profit in a Sea of Red Ink: Why 40 Percent of Your Business Is Unprofitable and How to Fix It"

Trechos retirados de "Track Customer Experience, but Don’t Forget the Financials"

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