sexta-feira, outubro 31, 2014

Uma lição da Apple para as PME

Muitas PME deviam reflectir, muito seriamente, neste exemplo:
"How many products does Apple have now?
Well, we have few. You could almost place every product that we [make] on this table. I mean, if you really look at it, we have four iPods. We have two main iPhones. We have two iPads, and we have a few Macs. That’s it. And we argue and debate like crazy about what we’re going to do, because we know that we can only do a few things great. That means not doing a bunch of things that would be really good and really fun.
That’s a part of our base principle, that we will only do a few things. And we’ll only do things where we can make a significant contribution. I don’t mean financially. I mean some significant contribution to the society at large. You know, we want to really enrich people’s lives at the end of the day, not just make money. Making money might be a byproduct, but it’s not our North Star."
Qual é a empresa mais rica do mundo?
E, no entanto, a empresa mais rica do mundo, capaz de disponibilizar recursos imensos, não resolve disparar em todas as direcções, concentra-se num número reduzido de produtos.
Por que é que tantas e tantas PME querem ir a todas, querem servir todo o tipo de clientes e mantêm um leque crescente de produtos, onde potenciais sucessos se misturam com "cães rafeiros"?
Trecho retirado de "Tim Cook's Freshman Year: The Apple CEO Speaks"

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