sexta-feira, junho 27, 2014

Influência da legislação e das instituições portuguesas na dimensão típica das PMEs

Com frequência, encontro nos media o discurso sobre necessidade das PMEs portuguesas crescerem, para serem mais produtivas.
Entretanto, em "The New Empirical Economics of Management" de Nicholas Bloom, Renata Lemos, Raffaella Sadun, Daniela Scur e John Van Reenen, reencontro este facto:
"using data on the population of manufacturing firms for France (following Gibrat) and the US we plot the firm size distribution in Figure 3. 
The power law implies that in log-log space there is a negative linear relationship between firm size and density, which is what we observe for the US data, except for the far right tail. France looks similar except for a break at 50 employees, which is an important regulatory threshold for labor laws. Garicano, Lelarge and Van Reenen (2013) discuss how the presence of many regulatory “taxes” that begin when the firm reaches 50 employees implies a broken power law exactly as described by the data."
Qual será a influência da legislação e das instituições portuguesas na dimensão típica das PMEs portuguesas?

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