sexta-feira, maio 16, 2014

Acerca dos preços

"Your pricing is just as much a part of your story as your content and online communications. It tells buyers and prospects what they can expect. Sometimes, they want the least expensive choice; sometimes they fear paying too little will leave them with an inferior product and/or experience.
Depending on what your audience wants, be sure and wrap the story around that."

"One of the most exciting and nerve-wracking aspects of retail is determining what price to sell your products at. Pricing is both an art and a science that requires an experimental attitude coupled with an intuitive feel for how you want your brand and by extension your products to be perceived."

" First, do the work to determine customer value.  Value is not the same for all customer segments and customers, so spend the time to figure out which customer segments are meaningful in your business and how value changes from segment to segment.  Next, consistently communicate how your products and services add value.  When someone wants to have a conversation about fair margins, change the discussion to the benefits your product or service brings to customers."

"Pricing in business is a funny thing. It drives both revenue and profits but many business owners are not very aggressive about raising prices. Some are afraid.
Research suggests that approximately twenty percent of buyers purchase on price alone. Most of the rest are considered value buyers, not afraid to pay more for quality products and services.
If you believe you can’t raise prices, understand that it is mainly in your own head, not the head of your customers.
If you do not believe that what you sell is more valuable than last year, or even just six months ago, consider for minute what your clients are really thinking about your company."
Em "How Netflix did pricing right" um excelente exemplo de comunicação do aumento de preços explicado como deve ser.

Primeiro trecho retirado de "What Story Does Your Pricing Strategy Tell?"
Segundo trecho retirado de "9 Strategies for Profitably Pricing Your Retail Products"
Terceiro trecho retirado de "“IT’S A FAIR MARGIN” – A POOR WAY TO SET PRICES"
Quarto trecho retirado de "Time to revisit your pricing"

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