quarta-feira, abril 09, 2014

Promoção da concorrência imperfeita

Ando actualmente na fase de diagnóstico estratégico de mais um projecto. O grande objectivo do projecto passa por aumentar as margens, para isso, é preciso aumentar os preços.
Tarefa difícil quando o pistoleiro tem sempre o dedo no gatilho dos descontos.
Tarefa difícil quando o pistoleiro não visita sistematicamente os potenciais clientes e prescritores, corre para apresentar contratipos a pedido.
Tarefa difícil quando o produto não é suficientemente diferente.
Tarefa difícil quando não é claro quem são os clientes-alvo e prescritores adequados.
"Your competitors sell at a lower price. It’s tough to win when your competitors are willing to give away what they should be selling. But there is nothing you can do about your competitors.
If this is your struggle, one or more of the following four reasons is the root cause of your losses.
1. You Don’t BelieveThis is the first–and most pernicious–reason you have trouble selling at a higher price than your competitors. If you don’t believe in your heart–and with every fiber of your being–that you are creating more value than any alternative, then you won’t be able to capture more value. If you don’t believe you are worth more, than no one else is going to believe it either. And they are right not to.
2. You Are Selling From Behind...
Instead of calling on their dream clients, that are reactive, sitting by waiting for someone to reach out to invite them to an RFP.
Selling from behind eliminates the ability for you to create value during the buyer’s journey. You are too late in the process.
3. You Can’t Justify Your Higher Price...
If you want your dream client to perceive the value, help them by sharing what makes you different and how it makes a difference. Then give them the logic, language, and evidence to defend that value.
4. You Aren’t Selling to Your Dream ClientsThere are some prospects with systemic challenges to paying for value. In some cases, what you do doesn’t create enough value. In other cases, your prospect’s low margin prevents them from making the necessary investments in their own business. And there are some who have a mindset that only accepts lowest price as the greatest value. These are not your dream clients.If you want to capture value, you have to sell to people who perceive that value. This is why it is critical that you invest your time and energy on the right targets."
Mas já existe um núcleo do que poderá ser a real diferenciação futura, mãos à obra, para fazer batota, para tornar a concorrência imperfeita.

Trechos retirados de "Why You Are Struggling With Price"

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