sábado, abril 05, 2014

Escapar ao passado

Este exemplo é tão aplicável a certas empresas (não posso dizer que seja aplicável ao Estado senão o Mário Cortes corta-me o acesso à internet):
"Such is the power of convention, and this power is especially strong when it comes to running a business. We develop our habits, our work patterns, our routines, and we adapt these habits and routines to an ever-changing competitive and technological environment. Over time, we go to greater and greater lengths to preserve our traditional routines, until pretty soon we’re crossing an entire ocean just to be able to do things the way we’ve always done them. And what’s more, we don't even notice that the environment has changed radically.
The problem is that the more we simply make minimal accommodations to deal with a radically changed environment (even if the change was gradual), the more fragile we become -- and this is just as true for businesses as it is for reptiles.
Businesses fall into the same trap, all the time. They stretch and stretch and stretch to accommodate a changed environment until they are too fragile, with no fall-back position, no redundant capacity. They become fragile, so they are catastrophically vulnerable to the first disruptive innovation, or the first unanticipated regulatory change.
If you don't want your own business to be fragile, then think about what you would do if you were to build your company today starting from scratch, for today's environment. Would you build it differently?
If businesses were designed for today's new environment, rather than yesterday's,"
 Excelente convite de Don Peppers à reflexão em "Biggest Business Challenge: Escaping the Past"

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