quarta-feira, abril 02, 2014

Acerca do aumento dos preços

Sabem como o aumento dos preços pode ter um efeito poderoso nas contas das empresas, muito mais alavancado do que o da redução dos custos ou o do aumento do volume (Rosiello rules, Simon rules). Por isso, esta reflexão de Rafi Mohammed "The Art of Raising Prices: Lessons from Amazon Prime" é muito instrutiva.
"Given its success, managers of all companies can learn from the tactics it employed:
Float a Scarier Number.
Blame Costs.
Appeal to Fairness.
Hint That There’s More to Come.
Don’t Cave to Simple Market Research.
While Amazon did a good job of raising prices, let’s call it a B+, there is more it should have done:
Remind Customers of the Value It Provides.
Resist the One Price Fits All Mindset.
Raising prices is an angst-inducing ritual for all companies. The art of raising prices involves a clear yet sensitive dialogue with customers to justify the lift. As Amazon demonstrated, even a 25% price increase can be palatable if pitched correctly."

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