sexta-feira, março 07, 2014

"great things almost always start small"

Li "What If The Key to Making It Big Is Starting Small?" e apeteceu-me logo dizer:
-  Duh!
Parece-me óbvio. Sobretudo num mundo de incerteza e em que o que é verdade hoje manhã é mentira e vice-versa.
"The challenge for a lot of us is that when we go about our lives, we interact with so many “big” things and we forget or don’t even know how they originally started. It’s difficult to understand how the evolutionary process of products and brands contributes and is vital to what they are today."
Só os socialistas, engenheiros sociais, acham que sabem o suficiente para arrasar o que existe para erguer algo de novo.
"What I’m starting to notice more and more, is that great things almost always start small." 

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