quinta-feira, março 06, 2014

Acerca do pensamento estratégico

"The task of business strategy is to make the business more valuable by a specific route: that of targeting profitable customers.
that business exists to satisfy its financial funding markets.
a business can only achieve this financial aim in its customer markets, by successfully targeting profitable customers. Customers are profitable if the business can sell to them at margins which yield returns at least equal to the cost of capital.
Many have said that the purpose of business is to produce financial results, and very few writers would deny that financial results are mainly achieved by success in customer markets. However, that central insight is not always followed through. Much writing and much managerial practice gives one of two extreme impressions. One is that financial results depend entirely on operating efficiencies. [Moi ici: O discurso típico da tríade dos académicos, politicos e comentadoresAt the other extreme the object of business strategy is seen as maximum sales volume and market share, meeting customer preferences as if that alone were enough to produce acceptable levels of performance. [Moi ici: O discurso dos que acreditam no market share como um fim em si mesmo] The first focuses exclusively on costs, the second ignores them."
Trechos retirados de "Creating Value Successful business strategies" de Shiv S. Mathur e Alfred Kenyon

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