quinta-feira, fevereiro 06, 2014

Curiosidade do dia

Mongo is everywhere!!!
"The company, founded in September 2012, offers people the opportunity to memorialize their loved ones with a custom design that highlights both that person's unique interests and personality. The creations (as you can see in gallery above) are what those in the real estate industry might delicately call "taste specific."
each marker is created specifically according to the vision of the purchaser. While there's a catalog from which bereaved families can choose certain broad templates, customization is an important part of the idea, and Pineau makes it clear that that's a point of pride for the company. "We made about 100 monuments in the first year, and all of them are installed in .... We do not sell our products to be displayed in showrooms. We create unique works tailor-made for our customers."

Em que sector será? Um doce para quem adivinhar!!!
Trecho retirado daqui.

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