segunda-feira, dezembro 02, 2013

As forças em jogo que estão a mudar o mundo

"Since at least the early ’90s, we’ve been hearing that Mass Customization is going to change the consumer landscape, but by and large, we still buy manufactured goods the way we have since the middle of last century.
But despite the slow progress, I believe that we’re finally at the cusp of a new era in product design, in which truly “designed by me” products will be available in a range of categories. The most successful manufacturers of the next ten years will be those who seize this opportunity before their competitors do.
First, we’ve seen dramatic improvements in flexible automated fabrication,
Second, rising labor costs and stronger currency are reducing the appeal of high-volume Chinese manufacturing, and nudging more companies to move operations closer to their headquarters or their customers. Third, the demand for more personalized experiences, nurtured by our highly customizable digital devices, is on the rise. Combine these three, and you have a future in which companies offer customers fine-grained control over their manufacturing output, and earn loyalty and competitive advantage in return.
While this technology is getting us closer, and the consumer desire certainly there, what we still don’t have is a broad understanding of how to design for this hyper-personalized future.
I would even argue that we don’t have much of a choice. The combination of demand, speed, and automated flexibility are pushing us quickly to a point where physical products will be held to the same expectations as digital ones."

Trechos retirados de "Welcome to the “Designed By Me” Era"

BTW, reparem no título do artigo, "Designed By Me"... lembram-se dos novos-velhos?
Ainda vão proibir o "design by me" porque não estou inscrito na Ordem? Abracem a mudança!!!

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