sábado, novembro 09, 2013

Drucker. Sempre uma fonte de inspiração!!!

Sempre uma fonte de inspiração!!!
"2. What is our business, and what should it be? 
“Nothing may seem simpler or more obvious than to know what a company’s business is,” Drucker pointed out in his 1973 landmark Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices. Yet “the right answer is usually anything but obvious.” This is particularly true in an era in which market structures can change with astonishing rapidity and new horizons are continuously opening because of technological advances. One of the reasons for Amazon’s great success, I would argue, is that it is constantly honing its answer to “What is our business?”—although doing so requires an extraordinary amount of discipline. Why? Asked seriously, “the question causes controversy, argument and disagreement,” Drucker noted. “It requires judgment and considerable courage. The answer rarely follows what ‘everybody knows.’ . . . It should never be made quickly; it can never be made painlessly.”
Nunca é definitiva a resposta. O mundo muda e aquilo que era verdade ontem deixa de fazer sentido...

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