"1.They define strategy as a vision. Mission and vision statements are elements of strategy, but they aren’t enough. They offer no guide to productive action and no explicit road map to the desired future.Trechos retirados de "PLaying to Win" de Lafley e Roger Martin
2.They define strategy as a plan. Plans and tactics are also elements of strategy, but they aren’t enough either.
3.They deny that long-term (or even medium-term) strategy is possible. The world is changing so quickly, some leaders argue, that it’s impossible to think about strategy in advance and that, instead, a firm should respond to new threats and opportunities as they emerge.
4.They define strategy as the optimization of the status quo. Many leaders try to optimize what they are already doing in their current business. This can create efficiency and drive some value. But it isn’t strategy.
5.They define strategy as following best practices. Every industry has tools and practices that become widespread and generic. Some organizations define strategy as benchmarking against competition and then doing the same set of activities but more effectively. Sameness isn’t strategy. It is a recipe for mediocrity.
These ineffective approaches are driven by a misconception of what strategy really is and a reluctance to make truly hard choices. It is natural to want to keep options open as long as possible, rather than closing off possibilities by making explicit choices. But it is only through making and acting on choices that you can win. Yes, clear, tough choices force your hand and confine you to a path. But they also free you to focus on what matters. What matters is winning."
BTW, neste tópico sobre as escolhas "But it is only through making and acting on choices that you can win.", é fundamental pensar no timing. Ás vezes, é preciso esperar que algo apareça, que algo aconteça. Escrevi isto influenciado por isto:
"Para já, Costa não sabe o que há de fazer. Espera um dia em que tudo se torne mais claro."E isso, levou-me a isto:
"He just smiled and said, “I am going to wait for the next big thing.”Claro que ele não ficou literalmente à espera, o ipod não caiu do céu.
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