terça-feira, outubro 22, 2013

E o que é que vão deixar de fazer?

Desta reflexão "Strategic Planning in Banking: What A Joke" sublinho este trecho:
"I’ve witnessed the challenge and pain of poor strategic planning efforts that is prevalent among many ... executives.
Part of the pain is caused by absolutely horrendous definitions of strategy. Ask 10 ... CEOs what their firm’s strategy is and 7 are likely to say “Superior service.”
Sorry, but that doesn’t come close to passing the Drucker test (or any other test of strategic definition). Service means different things to different people, provides no guidance on what should and shouldn’t be invested in, and because it isn’t measurable, doesn’t help an organization determine if it is outperforming the competition or not."
Lembro-me logo das muitas empresas que declaram que a sua estratégia é:
"Ter uma qualidade superior" 
Mas quem é que quer optar por uma qualidade inferior e promover essa mensagem?
Porter escreveu:
"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do"
Quando se diz:
"Ter uma qualidade superior" 
E o que é que vão deixar de fazer?

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