terça-feira, outubro 01, 2013

A revolução em curso

"The owner, the Airtex Design Group, had shifted an increasing amount of its production here from China because customers had been asking for more American-made goods.
The issue was finding workers.
The American textile and apparel industries, like manufacturing as a whole, are experiencing a nascent turnaround as apparel and textile companies demand higher quality, more reliable scheduling and fewer safety problems than they encounter overseas.
Wages for cut-and-sew jobs, the core of the apparel industry’s remaining work force, have been rising fast — increasing 13.2 percent on an inflation-adjusted basis from 2007 to 2012, while overall private sector pay rose just 1.4 percent. Companies here in Minnesota are so hungry for workers that they posted five job openings for every student in a new training program in industrial sewing, a full month before the training was even completed.
Like manufacturers in many parts of the country, those in Minnesota are wrestling with how to attract a new generation of factory workers while also protecting their bottom lines in an industry where pennies per garment can make or break a business."
Este artigo "A Wave of Sewing Jobs as Orders Pile Up at U.S. Factories" deixa-me com sentimentos mistos.
Vamos ao lado positivo, o reshoring e o consequente aumento do emprego, a iniciativa privada assumir como sua a tarefa de formar e preparar os seus futuros trabalhadores.
O lado negativo... ressoa na minha mente aquela frase "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat".
Se não notamos um refluxo da maré na Europa, em Portugal ou na Europa de Leste, ou até mesmo em Marrocos com esta dinâmica e dimensão... talvez isto diga muito sobre a desvalorização real do dólar.
BTW, na Turquia assiste-se a isto "50 Turkish textile companies to relocate to Ethiopia" com este nível de salários.

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