sexta-feira, setembro 13, 2013

Quem é que tem a explicação mais clara, mais credível, mais plausível sobre qual a estratégia a seguir?

"In today’s corporation, the crown is not automatically conferred on anyone. There is no one king. The crown goes, or should go, to whoever has the clearest and most credible explanation of how and why his or her strategy will work.
Complicating the situation, however, is that this criterion - although ideal - is hard to enshrine in a corporate charter. The rules of corporate governance treat all CEOs alike, and give board members power based on their positions, even though the quality of individuals’ judgment may vary enormously.
That may be the real reason that companies are vulnerable: When all is said and done, the rules they follow have little effect on their success. Everything comes back to the judgment of a few people, and that depends - as it did and does at Penney and every other company - on the quality of the people in the leading roles."
E na sua empresa, quem é que tem a explicação mais clara, mais credível, mais plausível sobre qual a estratégia a seguir?
Trecho retirado de "The Lesson of J.C. Penney: There Is No King"

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