quarta-feira, setembro 04, 2013

Acerca da teoria da concorrência perfeita (parte III)

"[This led to a long discussion of the less-than-innovative ways in which economists have portrayed innovation through the years, and whether their depictions influenced business practice.].
The uncertainty that exists in an economy of dynamism got suppressed. If businesspeople needed a license to talk that way, they had it with the way economics was being discussed. I don't have a very good sense of what it was like to be at Harvard Business School as a student in the 1950s or 1960s.
It feels like the focus at the time was very much on managing something that was there..
Yes, how do you manage the company so it will be a little more efficient than the other guys? And now of course the whole takeover business, private equity, they too are perceived as going in to eradicate the inefficiencies that became encrusted around the management. There's nothing about innovation there."
Ao ler isto, recordei logo a leitura que Shelby Hunt fez da teoria neoclássica e que registei na parte II.

Trecho retirado de "When Work Is Challenging, Economies Thrive" 

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