terça-feira, setembro 03, 2013

À alemão!

"Iremos perder 12% da facturação, mas vamos continuar em Portugal"
O racional por trás desta decisão fez-me recordar Hermann Simon:
"you must accept the idea that a company can have too much market share, and that gaining more market share than your product warrant - because of the customers' perceived value and your resources to deliver that value - can actually reduce your profit significantly.
When a competitor threatens your position by offering lower prices or by offering a slightly better product at the same price as yours, and you feel that attempt to gain market share is unwarrated, you need to respond quickly and resolutely. Restraint is a viable option, and often the wisest. Control your aggression by suppressing the urge to hit back every single time you lose a piece of business."
Trecho retirado de "Manage for profit, not for market share"