sexta-feira, agosto 23, 2013

Cost-based pricing leads to obsessive focus on cost cutting

"Many companies in our sample implemented cost-based pricing. Cost-based pricing leads to obsessive focus on cost cutting. To maximize margins, companies' production engineers go into overdrive and make heroic - and often technically brilliant - efforts to cut costs. This is how companies always have tried to improve margins, and cost reductions is built into these companies's DNA. Managers are often very comfortable with this approach because they understand it and it is familiar, even though they may not like it. We describe these approaches as cost-based pricing hygiene factors.
A cost-based pricing environment frequently leads to an order-taking mentality, overfocus on product specification, and underfocus on customer value. The consequence, of course, is that the salesperson has no ammunition to fight back against discount demands and in order to win the deal feels that he must offer the discount.
The more successful companies focused on the quality of the deals they pursued, preferring to select contracts with profitability rather than high revenue. They were willing to walk away if the deal offered was unacceptable. Every one of the more successful companies insisted on working with the problem owner and would refuse to deal with the buying agent."
Há anos que prego isto aqui no blogue.
Trecho retirado de "Value-Based Pricing" de Harry Macdivitt e Mike Wilkinson.

1 comentário:

Paulo Peres disse...

Muito bom. Muito bom. Quero tentar ler este livro. Estes trechos são muito importantes. Até lembrou meu ultimo post, que me parece ser uma pratica comum empresas para se internaciliazaem cortarem custos ainda mais.