terça-feira, julho 02, 2013

"What is it you care about?"

Ontem, no postal ""a challenge to their identity, and mindset."" sublinhamos este trecho:
"I refrain from benchmarking against competitors. The only reason I benchmark against them is to look at “what not to do”. I then ask myself: what can we can do, that no one else is “willing to do”? The key word there is willing."
Foi dele que me lembrei ao ler "Your Brand Is the Exhaust Fume of the Engine of Your Life" e encontrei:
"The truth is this: The brand follows the work. Your brand is the exhaust created by the engine of your life. (Moi ici: A marca não é o objectivo, é a consequência, é o "sub-produto da vida, da operação, da relação) "It is a by-product of what happens as you share what you are creating, and with whom you are creating.
It is a sign, yes. Significant, yes. But the real signal comes from being able to answer these two questions:
What is it you care about? It takes courage to find and follow an individual path; finding our own path takes us off the path that others are following, in directions that can seem distinctly alone. Each of us is standing in a place no one else stands in as a function of our history, experience, vision and hopes. I call this onlyness, that thing that only you can bring to any situation."

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