sexta-feira, julho 19, 2013

Como previsto - Mongo

"For small businesses that make things and for entrepreneurs who dream of doing the same, the greatest challenge is almost always the cost of technology for turning an idea into a tangible product.
Often, the chore of even creating a prototype is so daunting, great ideas are simply left on the table.
That common obstacle is exactly why 3D printing technology is a potential game changer for small business. While manufacturing was once a big money, big business proposition, these new gadgets can put the power of prototyping and one-off manufacturing into the hands of the little guy. With one machine and a digital design, 3D printers can build a three-dimensional object of virtually anything right on the spot."

Podem-me chamar bruxo por escrever estas coisas muito antes de começarem a aparecer nos media tradicionais.

Imaginem o rombo que isto vai ser para o sistema de impostagem, para o conceito de emprego,... escrevo isto e penso logo no livro que ando a ler "The End of Competitive Advantage"... só com exemplos de empresas grandes, pudera, essas empresas são os clientes-alvo da autora.
Trecho retirado de "3D Printing Could Be A Boon For Small Business"

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