quarta-feira, maio 08, 2013

Gostava que mais gente partilhasse desta perspectiva

"In 1980, China and India together accounted for less than 5% of global output. Last year, the two were responsible for over 20% of world GDP. The transition from the one figure to the other was responsible for massive and highly disruptive changes across the global economy. The world trade order has been stood on its ear. The movement of hundreds of millions of new workers into global labour markets has had an enormous impact on real wage growth and real interest rates and, consequently, on innovation and investment. The strain on supplies of all sorts of goods and resources, from oil and gold to wine and art, has generated wild price gyrations and remarkable economic knock-on effects in producing and consuming countries.
It is this era of major and disruptive economic transformation that seems to be at an end.
The era of disruptive BRIC ascendence is over. What that might mean for advanced economies is very tough to say. It could mean better times ahead for workers who experienced a steady erosion in their bargaining power over the past three decades. Unless, that is, the main effect of cheap emerging market labour was to delay labour-saving technical change. Commodity prices could be in for a long period of stagnation as slowing demand growth from emerging markets interacts with soaring supply.
What comes next isn't clear, but the world does appear to be entering a new phase of global growth."
Gostava que mais gente partilhasse desta perspectiva e pudesse equacionar hipotéticos futuros e hipotéticas assimetrias a aproveitar.
Receio, contudo, que muita gente continue a ver o mundo com o modelo formatado pela experiência dos últimos 20 anos e não consiga visualizar o potencial das oportunidades que se abrem. Há aquela frase sobre o estado-maior do exército francês em 1939/40, estava preparado para combater a guerra de 1914/18, mas a guerra tinha mudado. Também agora sinto que há demasiadas pessoas cegas pelo padrão dos últimos 20 anos, incapazes de ver que as derivadas já mudaram de sinal.
Trechos retirados de "Welcome to the post-BRIC world"

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