sexta-feira, janeiro 11, 2013

Realizar grandes saltos na paisagem competitiva

A propósito deste trecho:
"A very important implication of a dynamic landscape is that under local adaptation an organization may be trapped into its current form. Each position on the landscape has N immediate neighbors at which the organization can change to. If all those neighboring forms are adopted by a high enough number of competitors, then all restructure attempts of an organization in the central point would result into a negative gain. Unless some neighboring organizations move into more distant points, it is impossible for the central one to make any successful changes. It is obvious that under distant adaptation such traps are not possible to exist; an organization can jump to a distant point on the landscape and escape the unfavorable environment. Most managers would find this form of traps familiar; it is the case that a company is considering investments that would improve its position in the market. It is very common that selective investment in only one aspect of the company is not expected to return any worthwhile gains. Instead, extensive reorganization of the whole company is required, in order to totally reposition itself in the market – a reorganization that usually requires large investments and skilled people."
Fiquei logo a pensar no período que atravessamos... mudanças graduais não servem porque as empresas têm de realizar grandes saltos na paisagem competitiva:
"an organization can jump to a distant point on the landscape and escape the unfavorable environment"

Trecho retirado de "Adaptation on Rugged Landscapes: Competitive Strategies in the Presence of a Common Objective".

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