"Though many of the products created this way so far are one-off novelty items and customized tchotchkes, [Chris] Anderson insists that the movement is about more than high-tech crafts for hobbyists.Chris Anderson esteve na base da minha metáfora - Mongo - por isso não me surpreende que tenhamos seguido caminhos mentais paralelos. Imaginem que até temos alguma razão e, que evoluímos para uma versão daquilo a que chamo Mongo, em paralelo com as ascensão de novos modelos de negócio baseados não na posse mas no aluguer e partilha (recordar marcadores). Tendo isso em mente, como é que essa realidade pode chocar violentamente com o discurso da reindustrialização:
The ability of individuals and small startups to design items and either print them or send off the digital files and have them made is already transforming manufacturing, he proclaims, replacing mass production with custom production: “The idea of a ‘factory’ is, in a word, changing.”
What kind of future might the maker movement bring us? Anderson envisions it could mean that “Western countries like the United States regain their lost manufacturing might, but rather than with a few big industrial giants, they spawn thousands of smaller firms picking off niche markets.”
Anderson’s prediction that many consumers will move away from cheap mass-produced goods to the work of “industrial artisans” could someday come true. But, again, his evidence is unconvincing: “Just think of couture fashion or fine wines,” he writes. These are small markets. And for many other goods, people often prefer mass-produced versions, because they cost less and are at least standardized, if not always great, in quality. Anderson suggests that “what the new manufacturing model enables is a mass market for niche products.” But he doesn’t attempt to quantify the economic impact of this shift to artisanal goods. He points to what he calls “happiness economics” rather than conventional macroeconomics as the real justification for custom production: “What’s interesting is that such hyperspecialization is not necessarily a profit-maximizing strategy. Instead, it is better seen as meaning-maximizing.”
"O Presidente da República, Cavaco Silva, defendeu hoje que a retoma dos “caminhos da reindustrialização” deve ser encorajada pela União Europeia, que deve apoiar os Estados-membros na reestruturação das suas economias."Imagino, facilmente, políticos e funcionários, cheios de boas intenções, a decidirem o que é melhor para a sociedade. Como? Pensando no paradigma industrial do século XX, tentando replicar o passado, decidindo em que sectores actuar, privilegiando empresas grandes, privilegiando estratégias tornadas obsoletas.
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