sábado, dezembro 08, 2012

Para mim, o potencial de democratização da produção é o principal

A propósito de "Why 3D Printing Matters for 'Made in USA'".
A maior parte do que se escreve sobre as impressoras 3D é feito sob a perspectiva de como é que as empresas podem aproveitar esta tecnologia.
Por isso se escreve:
"A rise in 3D printing technology won't mean a "Star Trek" replicator in every home to make whatever Americans desire. But the White House has bet big on the idea that 3D printing can revolutionize U.S. manufacturing from within the heart of the Midwest's "Rust Belt" once known for its shuttered steel mills.
Por isso se escreve:
""The real value of 3D printing is to do something that's either not possible or not cost-effective to do with existing technology,""
Por isso se escreve:
"The strength of 3D printing comes from its ability to make individual, specifically tailored parts on demand, rather than churning out thousands of standard products with a factory's worth of assembly-line equipment. That could prove especially cost-effective for making the complex parts of specialty devices or equipment in small batches or on a one-off basis, such as replacement parts for a fighter jet or the jawbone implant customized for an individual patient's surgery."
Ao ler estas coisas, recordo sempre a célebre afirmação sobre o potencial do mercado para os computadores:
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." - Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." - Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC), maker of big business mainframe computers, arguing against the PC, 1977
Acredito que estes artigos esquecem o potencial de democratização da produção, o potencial revolucionário de indivíduos com criatividade (e desespero, estilo Ortega da Zara) aproveitarem:
"The strength of 3D printing comes from its ability to make individual, specifically tailored parts on demand"
 E cruzá-lo com a divulgação na internet e o crescimento do home-delivery.
E cruzá-lo com "No Longer Vaporware: The Internet of Things Is Finally Talking" e "Twine is the simplest way to get the objects in your life texting, tweeting or emailing. Focus on your idea instead of installation or technical stuff."

1 comentário:

CCz disse...


Nem uma palavra sobre o impacte da democratização da produção, sobre o surgimento da cultura DIY, sobre as ascensão de uma sociedade com cada vez mais artesãos tecnologógicos