segunda-feira, dezembro 03, 2012

Eles não querem saber da eficiência

Encontrei um conjunto de trechos que me enchem as medidas!!!
Na senda do que escrevo há anos neste blogue sobre a vantagem:

  • da eficácia sobre a eficiência;
  • do numerador sobre o denominador;
  • do valor sobre os custos; e
  • dos sentimentos sobre a folha de cálculo.
"Forgetting to Put EffectivenessFirst The great management guru Peter Drucker once said, “There is nothing more wasteful than becoming highly efficient at doing the wrong thing.” Another noted management expert, Kenichi Ohmae, put it this way: “Rowing harder doesn’t help the boat if it is headed in the wrong direction.” Not only are the quotations on the topic of foolish efficiency endless, but so are the examples.
Misguided efficiency—being efficient at the expense of being effective, or being efficient at doing the wrong thing—is a common mistake among leaders. They get so entrenched in efficiency that they fail to consider whether they are even on the right path."
Parece que regresso ao meu tempo de jovem e inexperiente engenheiro, a ouvir, meio perdido, a reprimenda do Engº Matsumoto para as chefias da fábrica onde trabalhava: 
- Tirem a cabeça de dentro do polimerizador!!!
"Losing your way between effectiveness and efficiency is at the heart of unbalanced orchestration, and understanding the difference is a critical foundation for effective leadership. Simply stated, efficiency and effectiveness are two different ways of defining your work. With a focus on efficiency, a leader often disregards the outside environment, and the primary concern becomes the operation of the firm itself." 
BTW, o mundo da qualidade perde-se demasiado a olhar para dentro da fábrica, para dentro do polimerizador... enquanto o resto do mundo move-se a uma velocidade louca.
"when a leader focuses on effectiveness, she views her organization as a part of a greater whole, as a single piece of the puzzle. The competitive environment—rather than the organization—becomes the unit of analysis. Efficiency focuses on “doing things right.” It usually emphasizes processes to improve something you currently do, frequently in the area of operations. Questions relating to efficiency might include: 
  • What is our cost per unit? 
  • How long are cycle times? 
  • How quickly does our inventory turn over? 
  • What is the percentage of defects per thousand units? 
Effectiveness, on the other hand, focuses on “doing the right thing.” It is strategic in nature. Questions relating to effectiveness include:
  • Who is our customer? 
  • What value do we currently provide to our customer? 
  • What needs are emerging in our market(s)?"

A eficácia dá a volta à eficiência:
"Without an understanding of the importance of effectiveness, a focus on efficiency can misguide a company. An organization can be very efficient at some activity, but if the activity doesn’t generate value, as defined by the market, then the efficiency not only poorly orchestrates resources in an activity that doesn’t matter, but it may even destroy value. (Moi ici: Claro que para quem acredita na visão marxiana de que o valor está relacionado com a quantidade de trabalho incorporado numa manufactura, isto é incompreensível)  It’s a zero-sum situation—allocating resources to efficiency that doesn’t contribute to value-added activities takes resources away from those activities."
E agora algo que podemos, por exemplo, relacionar com o crescente sucesso do calçado português, apesar dos preços subirem e das séries serem mais pequenas:
"When a leader focuses on effectiveness first, can the organization still survive or even thrive in spite of operational inefficiencies? The answer, surprisingly, is yes. Remember that effectiveness focuses on value. Customers want their needs to be satisfied. When their needs are satisfied, they are happy, even if the company is not efficient. They don’t care how you do it, as long as you do it."

Trechos retirados de "Wisdom of failure".

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