terça-feira, outubro 09, 2012

A velocidade a que o mundo económico muda

"In its 2011 annual report, US giant General Electric foreshadowed that it would relocate its home appliance production lines from China and Mexico back to the US. Ford Auto will invest US$16 billion to establish new factories and production lines in the US, while Caterpillar, the world's largest manufacturer of excavators and bulldozers, will construct a factory in Texas at a cost of US$120 million. A recent survey of 108 companies headquartered in the US shows that 14% of them plan to move part of their manufacturing operations back to the US.
One major factor prompting US companies to return home some operations is supply chain logistics, especially in light of risk evaluations and production cost increases. In 2011, a once-in-50-year flood in Thailand cost Intel US$50 billion in lost sales. The devastating 2010 Japanese earthquake inflicted heavy losses on General Motors. An expert says that with transportation accounting for 25% of logistics costs, oil prices doubled from 2009 to 2011.
In addition, labor cost in China advanced 19% during the 2003-2008 period, while labor costs in the U.S. only rose 3%
É fantástica a velocidade a que muda o mundo económico, a que tendências, supostamente de longo prazo, são mudadas.
Os mais distraídos continuam a raciocinar com base no mundo do ano passado.

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