domingo, setembro 16, 2012

O desafio da proliferação (parte I)

Assim como o morcego desenvolveu o sonar, assim como o leopardo desenvolveu as suas pintas, assim como o rinoceronte desenvolveu a sua couraça, os humanos desenvolveram a economia.
A economia e a biologia tratam da mesma coisa.
"Spencer’s principle of “the instability of the homogeneous” (Spencer 1900). Given a homogeneous object, different accidents will happen to different parts of it, producing a heterogeneous object, (Moi ici: A metáfora da Torre de Babel) or, in the terms we develop in this book, a more complex one." 
"The history of life presents three great sources of wonder. One is adaptation, the marvelous fit between organism and environment. The other two are diversity and complexity, the huge variety of living forms today and the enormous complexity of their internal structure. Natural selection explains adaptation.
E fazendo lembrar a evolução da  Dr Kid (reposicionamento) e das árvores cladísticas:
"Diversity and complexity could also be mutually reinforcing. As species diversity increases, niches become more complex (because niches are partly defined by existing species). The more complex niches are then filled by more complex organisms, which further increases niche complexity, and so on."
"In any evolutionary system in which there is variation and heredity, there is a tendency for diversity and complexity to increase, one that is always present but may be opposed or augmented by natural selection, other forces, or constraints acting on diversity or complexity."
Trechos retirados de "Biology's First Law - The Tendency for Diversity & Complexity to Increase in Evolutionary Systems" de Daniel McShea e Robert Brandon.

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