quinta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2012

Preço e diferenciação

"Price is often the enemy of differentiation. By definition, being different should be worth something. It’s the reason that supports the case for paying a little more - or at least the same - for a product or service.
But when price becomes the focus of a message or a company’s marketing activities, (Moi ici: Recordar os hotéis de 5 estrelas que tentam aliciar clientes com o engodo de que lhes pagam as portagens) you are beginning to undermine your chances to be perceived as being unique. What you’re doing is making price the main consideration for picking you over your competition.
That’s not a healthy way to go. Few companies find happiness with this approach for the simple reason that every one of your competitors has access to a pencil. And with it, they can mark down their prices any time they want. There goes your advantage.
cutting prices is usually insanity if the competition can go as low as you can.
We did not say that a price strategy as a differentiator was impossible, only difficult.
Trecho retirado de "Differentiate or die : survival in our era of killer competition" de  Jack Trout e Steve Rivkin

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