domingo, dezembro 04, 2011

Aumentar o valor percebido

"The United States is becoming more educated faster than the economy would absorb educated workers."
Trecho retirado de "Who’s Dropping Out of the Labor Force"

"This has a lot of intuitive appeal, my concern is that when we think about the labor market failing to clear we mean to say that there are people looking for jobs who cannot find them.
If they stop looking this is not obviously a market failure. If it is in fact the case that the real wage is not enough to entice them to work, then they should not work.
If we were seeing a great stagnation, a supply shock, or even certain forms of hangover, this is how it should manifest itself and from a business cycle perspective does not represent any malfunctioning of the market system.
We might feel that this result is unfortunate but then what is truly unfortunate is that the marginal product of labor is too low." (Moi ici: Recordam-se das receitas seguidas por cá ao longo de décadas?)
Trecho retirado de "What Does The Decline in Labor Force Participation Tell Us"
"the marginal product of labor is too low" não podia estar mais de acordo!!!
E é a ser mais eficiente que se melhora a situação?
E é a reduzir os custos que se melhora a situação?
Não será aumentando o valor percebido pelos clientes durante a experiência de uso?

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