sexta-feira, setembro 02, 2011

Para o ajudante do ministro da Economia

Existe um ajudante do ministro da Economia que se dedica à promoção do empreendedorismo.
Um conselho, estudar este postal de Steven Blank "Why Governments Don’t Get Startups" e sobretudo o remate:

  • "Each of these six very different startups requires very different ecosystems, unique educational tools, economic incentives (tax breaks, paperwork/regulation reduction, incentives), incubators and risk capital.
  • Regions building a cluster around scalable startups fail to understand that a government agency simply giving money to entrepreneurs who want it is an exercise in failure. It is not a “jobs program” for the local populace. Any attempt to make it so dooms it to failure.
  • A scalable startup ecosystems is the ultimate capitalist exercise. It is not an exercise in “fairness” or patronage. While it’s a meritocracy, it takes equal parts of risk, greed, vision and obscene financial returns. And those can only thrive in a regional or national culture that supports an equal mix of all those. (Moi ici: Mas como diz Peter Villax neste artigo e como eu vou constatando, em Portugal lucro é pecado capital, lucro é nojo, lucro é crime...
  • Building an scalable startup innovation cluster requires an ecosystem of private not government-run incubators and venture capital firms, outward-facing universities, and a rigorous startup selection process.
  • Any government that starts public financing entrepreneurship better have a plan to get out of it by building a private VC industry. If they’re still publically funding startups after five to ten years they’ve failed."
Claro que Arroja vai criticar a referência ao programa israelita no final do artigo.
Muito boa a referência "They’re run by business professionals (not real-estate managers looking to rent out excess office space) (Moi ici: Lembro-me logo de n cenas espalhadas por esse país à sombra de câmaras municipais e incapazes de sobreviver sem uns dinheiros do papá-Estado) and entry is not for life-style entrepreneurs, but is a bootcamp for VC funding."

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