sábado, setembro 03, 2011

Como uma ameaça pode se transformar numa oportunidade de negócio (parte II)

Claro que isto é perigoso em economias socialistas como a portuguesa e a californiana:
""collaborative consumption." At the core of this trend is the idea that technologies like the Internet and smartphones can help consumers monetize assets that they own -- their home or car, for example -- in ways that were previously difficult or downright impossible. "There are two forces converging," says Wharton marketing professor David Bell. "First is the notion that it might be better to have access to something than to own it outright. And the second is the realization that people have slack resources. So that car you own may sit idle for 22 hours a day. The grease that makes the whole thing work is social media and technology, like iPhone applications that can create markets that didn't exist before.""
Trecho retirado de "Want to Rent out That Spare Room? The Growing Popularity of 'Collaborative Consumption'" e que só vem reforçar esta ideia ... tantas oportunidades que podem materializar-se em n negócios, assim que o nosso Muro de Berlim cair com a falência do Estado...
Antes da crise as pessoas tocaram, saborearam, viveram experiências que agora não podem comprar... mas podem alugar, mas podem partilhar:
"The catastrophic recession of the last few years is part of the force behind the move by consumers to tap into the value of assets they already own. In addition, these services typically allow people to rent out these assets at rates that are cheaper than mainstream hotel or car rental firms. "The economy is a big factor," notes Hosanagar. "People are really looking for ways to cut down on their spending. This is a great way to do that without dramatically changing your lifestyle."

The increased attention on environmental sustainability and reducing one's impact on the planet is also at work here, Hosanagar adds. "If you are driven by the sense that you want to decrease the total resources that are being drained, this allows you to do that. The product has already been made, and you are adding no more burdens through your consumption. That is very appealing.""
"Cuscar" a lista de exemplos "publicitários" incluidos no artigo.
Ver também "The Incredible Vanishing Asset" de 2009.

2 comentários:

CCz disse...


anabela disse...

Acho esta ideia soberba! Alguém por aí interessado em trabalhá-la em conjunto?