sábado, setembro 03, 2011

Venetian Blinds

Esta semana, ao ler o já famoso "Documento de Estratégia Orçamental 2011 - 2015", quando cheguei à página 9 do documento e vi a figura "Gráfico I.6. Saldos Orçamentais previstos e observados"
Não pude deixar de sorrir... e dizer baixinho para mim mesmo:
Venetian blinds!!!
Comparem com esta figura:
Retirada de "Turning Great Strategy into Great Performance" de Michael C. Mankins e Richard Steele e publicada pela HBR em Julho de 2005, comentado no blogue aqui.
Um recorte:
"The strategy-to-performance gap fosters a culture of underperformance. In many companies, planning and execution breakdowns are reinforced—even magnified—by an insidious shift in culture. In our experience, this change occurs subtly but quickly, and once it has taken root it is very hard to reverse. First, unrealistic
plans create the expectation throughout the organization that plans simply will not be fulfilled. Then, as the expectation becomes experience, it becomes the norm that performance commitments won’t be kept. So commitments cease to be binding promises with real consequences. Rather than stretching to ensure that
commitments are kept, managers, expecting failure, seek to protect themselves from the eventual fallout. They spend time covering their tracks rather than identifying actions to enhance performance. The organization becomes less self-critical and less intellectually honest about its shortcomings. Consequently, it loses its
capacity to perform."
Os autores propõem algumas regras para ultrapassar esta falta de desempenho organizacional, uma delas é particularmente interessante:
"Rule 5: Clearly identify priorities. To deliver any strategy successfully, managers must make thousands of tactical decisions and put them into action. But not all tactics are equally important. In most instances, a few
key steps must be taken—at the right time and in the right way—to meet planned performance. Leading companies make these priorities explicit so that each executive has a clear sense of where to direct his or her efforts"
Enquanto se continuar a querer fugir à realidade, e se continuar a falar em cortar gorduras, sem perceber o Princípio de Pareto, e a estiolar a economia com o saque fiscal... não vamos lá.
BTW, recomendo a leitura de "THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF FINLAND 1990-1993: causes and consequences" de Jaakko Kiander. (spooky!!!)

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