reafirma, assente nos resultados deste projecto "Blackbox's Startup Genome Compass Uses Science To Crack The "Innovation Code"", uma ideia que defende há muito tempo:
A maioria das startups não falha por causa de falta de talento ou de dinheiro... falha porque começou em grande, demasiado grande antes de ter percebido quem eram os seus clientes-alvo e qual a sua proposta de valor.
"One of the biggest surprises is that success isn’t about size – of team or funding. It turns out Premature Scaling is the leading cause of hemorrhaging cash in a startup – and death. In fact:
- The team size of startups that scale prematurely is 3 times bigger than the consistent startups at the same stage
- 74% of high growth Internet startups fail due to premature scaling
- Startups that scale properly grow about 20 times faster than startups that scale prematurely
- 93% of startups that scale prematurely never break the $100k revenue per month threshold"
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