sexta-feira, julho 01, 2011

Segmentação de experiências

"If a firm has to design for value, it has to design for the segment of customers they want to target, (Moi ici: A escolha dos clientes-alvo é fundamental) and you would need to know what is the value upheld by the target segment. The cardinal rule of marketing 'you can't sell to everyone' still hold true today.(Moi ici: Mais importante do que nunca)
Segmentation in Marketing is as old as segments exists. In the old days - everyone stayed in their boxes (or so we are led to believe). If you stayed in a certain location, it said something about you, which class of society you are, which brand of cereal, juice or clothing you'd buy. Segments neatly fell into nice demographics, income and social classes. And by inference, marketers knew what each segment would value from a good or service and the firm could design and deliver accordingly.
Of course that is no longer true... today, it's really hard to box people up. This then leads to how hard it is to cut the market up into segments for firms to target. How should markets be segmented? Marketing has leaned towards behavioral segmentation (Moi ici; Desconfio que "behavioral" se aplica quando se olha de fora para o cliente-alvo, é o comportamento que se observa. Mas quando se olha do cliente-alvo para fora talvez fizesse sentido chamar "experience segmentation", é a experiência que se busca e valoriza), which is close to value segmentation but the focus is still on purchase segmentation vs consumption segmentation."
Trecho retirado de "Segmentation by Value"

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