sexta-feira, julho 15, 2011

O importante é a experiência!!!

Quem acompanha a evolução do meu pensamento, da minha tentativa de ir criando e re-criando uma narrativa que me permita perceber melhor o mundo e apoiar as empresas a desenharem e construírem um futuro melhor para elas, sabe o quanto valorizo a importância das experiências na vida dos clientes. É assim que proponho o início de uma reflexão estratégica: 1º Quem são os clientes-alvo? 2º Que experiências é que esses clientes-alvo procuram e valorizam?
Assim, foi com agrado que encontrei este artigo "It's about human experiences… and beyond, to co-creation" de Venkat Ramaswamy, publicado pela revista Industrial Marketing Management 40 (2011) 195–196.
"I believe ... that value is a function of ... human experiences.
customer experience is central to enterprise value creation, innovation, strategy and executive leadership. These broad changes in business and society, we argued, called for co-creation — the practice of developing systems, products, or services through collaboration with customers, managers, employees, and other stakeholders.
We argued that the concept of the market is no longer about people as a target for the goods and services offered by the firm, but a forum where people outside the firm are integral to the value creation process of firms. As individuals and firms engage in a process of creating value together, their cocreation experiences become the new basis of value.
“Acronyms like B2B and B2C miss the point. If we must use an acronym, then let's use I2N2I which represents the flow from individuals to the nodal firm and its network and back to
the individual.”
"The fundamental shift here was going beyond the conventional ‘services’ mindset to an experience mindset defining value based on human experiences rather than service processes, whether downstream or upstream in the value chain. We further observed that success lies in using people's actual ‘lived’ experiences to generate insights, changing the nature of interactions as a result, everywhere in the system."
"Now that I have provided some context, let me state the premises of an alternate logic of value and its creation:

  1. Value is a function of human experiences
  2. Experiences come from interactions
  3. A firm is any entity that facilitates this creation of experience-based value through interactions. Engagement platforms (Moi ici: Um produto ou um serviço é isto... uma plataforma para justificar uma relação) are the means to creating value together
  4. Co-creation is the process by which mutual value is expanded together, where value to participating individuals is a function of their experiences, both their engagement experiences on the platform, and productive and meaningful human experiences that result.

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