sexta-feira, julho 08, 2011

I rest my case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A narrativa defendida neste blogue simplesmente:
Interessante artigo da McKinsey "Understanding your ‘globalization penalty’- Strong multinationals seem less healthy than successful companies that stick closer to home. How can that be?" de Julho de 2011, da autoria de Martin Dewhurst, Jonathan Harris, e Suzanne Heywood.
"The rapid growth of emerging markets is providing fresh impetus for companies to become ever more global in scope. Deep experience in other international markets means that many companies know globalization’s potential benefits—which include accessing new markets and talent pools and capturing economies of scale—as well as a number of risks: creeping complexity, culture clashes, and vigorous responses from local competitors, to name just a few. (Moi ici: Por isso, aqui e aqui, só a título de exemplo, defendemos que as nossas PMEs exportadoras não podem crescer muito, o seu número é que tem de crescer)
Less obvious is a challenge identified by our latest research: global reach seems to threaten the underlying health of far-flung organizations, even highly successful ones. In particular, we have found that high-performing global companies consistently score lower than more locally focused ones on several critical dimensions of organizational health—direction setting, coordination and control, innovation, and external orientation—that we have been studying at hundreds of companies over the past decade."
"To understand what lies beneath these findings, we interviewed executives at 50 global companies. Those interviews, while hardly dispositive, suggested a relationship between organizational health and a familiar challenge: balancing local adaption against global scale, scope, and coordination.
Almost everyone we interviewed seemed to struggle with this tension, which often plays out in heated internal debates. Which organizational elements should be standardized? To what extent does managing high-potential emerging markets on a country-by-country basis make sense? When is it better, in those markets, to leverage scale and synergies across business units in managing governments, regulators, partners, and talent?" (Moi ici: Mania de achar que a escala é tudo... leiam Ghemawatt, o mundo não é plano!!! (aquiaqui e sobretudo aqui onde discordo dele))
Quem acredita que os maiores ficam cada vez maiores, que os poderosos ficam cada vez mais poderosos, que existem estratégias eternamente válidas... tudo é contingente, tudo é situacional. E isso é simplesmente belo.

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