segunda-feira, janeiro 17, 2011

Focar, concentrar, alinhar

Excelentes conselhos de Chuk Blakeman, autor do próximo livro na minha lista de leitura.
"1. Resist the temptation to be everything to everyone. The narrower you identity yourself the better. … I dare you to go narrow – you’ll make a lot more money in a lot less time. (Moi ici: Uma constante deste blogue, a necessidade de concentrar, focar, alinhar paranoicamente no serviço aos clientes-alvo)
2. Don’t talk about what you do. Nobody cares. Talk about the OUTCOME for your customer – the result expressed emotionally. If they like the outcome, they’ll ask you what you do to get them that outcome. (Moi ici: Pessoalmente tenho de me esforçar muito mais neste desafio. Os clientes querem resultados, querem consequências, querem finalidades. Tudo o que se faz é instrumental, só interessa na medida em que nos encaminha para o porto desejado.)
3. Say it simply. Stop using business words. They’re boring and pretentious. Talk to me like a human being. People don’t buy from companies, they buy from people.
4. Say it in a very few words.
5. Make it so graphic and clear that anybody can easily remember it and pass it on. If you’re the only one who can explain what you do, you’re dead in the water. Movements are created by simple, viral messages that everyone can carry to the next person. Business “gurus” will have you running in circles creating a complex and incredibly impressive offering. And nobody will buy it.
6. Ask your customers, “What are you buying that you don’t even think I know I’m selling?” The answer will reduce your blabbing."

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