segunda-feira, dezembro 13, 2010

Rethink your business as a purveyor of experiences to your customers

"Rethink your business as a purveyor of experiences to your customers.
Invite those customers into your own innovation process, and don’t stop there: open up your innovation process more generally to get the best ideas and technologies from others for your own business model, and let others use your innovations in their business models. If you follow the logic of your new approach, chances are that you will innovate your business model as well, redefining the way that you create and capture a portion of value from your business.
Your competitors will have a harder time copying your innovations. Because they are based in part on tacit knowledge, they are hard to copy. Because you have included your customers directly in your innovation, these customers will have invested their own time and self-generated content, making them less likely to abandon you at a moment’s notice should another company try to lure them away."
Trecho retirado de "Running Your Own Race: Overcoming the Commodity Trap"

1 comentário:

Miyuki Creative Studio disse...

é o que se chama de sample cuidado a ter em conta quando se usam sample groups:

- Facilmente a "amostra" esquece a sua situação actual (especialmente a financeira) e responde por impulso interior sem utilizar o raciocínio, fazendo com que a acção muita vezes não dê resultado no publico alvo final (existem estudos a nível de neuromarketing que comprovam isto).